Aku sebenarnya tak tau mana nak mula cerita. Kalau korang memang follow blog aku dari mula-mula aku berkecmpung, mesti perasan aku punya intro fail. Dan aku rasa intro yang fail samalah dengan bad firet impression. Even though the first few seconds are important, aku kira agak tidak adil untuk menutup peluang kepada sesuatu hanya kerana bad first impression. Tengok, aku dah melalut ke laut. Few months back aku ada terbaca satu post kat Thought Catalog, pasal " The Lost Art of Giving A Shit ". And no, it ain't got nothing to do with the ancient and efficient way excrete your waste through your rear opening, pooping, doing No.2, berak dan istinjak besar. Eh, ada ke istinjak besar... Anyway, it is about caring about things. When I read the article, it kinda hit me; the 'getting in the shape' part', dating and career. But of course, regardless of how many times I nodded my head in agreement for every sentence I read, masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga...
"Ancora imparo." Hidup penuh pembelajaran dan pengajaran bagi yang mahu belajar.