Remember I talked about AA batteries last time? And how I did mention about the mini 4WD racing cars, dash yonkuro. Ever since that day, I've been 'craving' to have my hands on one of those cars!! ARRGGHHH!! I want to play with those cars again!!
Oh, in case you're wondering what on God's earth is Mini 4WD car, check this out.
Call me childish but what's the difference between this Mini 4WD battery-powered car with superior, bigger and more expensive racing cars? Oh, I already listed out the difference. Anyway, it's a hobby, similar to having a RC racing car, or RC helicopters, planes. Only that those big boy's toys are more expensive =P All the more reason I should stick with this Mini 4WD racing cars as my hobby!!
Used to have this car, Beak Spider Zebra before my adik smashed it on the floor.. T____T
Blitzer-Sonic, I want that!
Used to have a toolbox that looked almost like this. And now, I can't find it no more!! Where has it gone?!?!?
And guess what?? I'm not the only adult (if I may say so) who is still into this thing! Came across Tamiya Mini 4WD Malaysia and I am so happy, excited to see modified cars with the big-ass bumpers, front and the back, and some other accessories as well. WOW!!! From the look of it, the club seems to be active - been having a lot of races. Which reminds me of my circuit last time my dad bought for me. I sure hope it's still here!! That was pretty expensive last time, RM100 something. Took a lot of efforts on my side to talk my dad into buying it. hehehehe =P I can be a PR LOL wth
So, I've found that blog, and also Tamiya Malaysia. Which seems a bit dead to me. Disappointed but I won't lose hope. Back in 2007, I bought Dash-I Emperor on ebay. I remember the time when me, Derek and Semun took a break from doing assignment at the computer lab, and I took out the car and let it go wild from one end of the corridor to the other end. Hahaha. Semun and Derek just stood there and watched LOL probably wondering "what the heck is wrong with this guy?" =P
Dash-I Emperor that I once had, minus that rubber tyres. Mine were the smooth ones.
I wanna buy those cars again. So far, I'm not really convinced that Tamiya Malaysia still has those, the website seems to be dead, so my only hope lies in Tamiya America and Toko Mini 4WD of Indonesia. The prices listed in Tamiya America are like crazzily expensive, $74, while the ones in Toko Mini are cheaper, way cheaper, 70000 rupiah which is around RM25? I take that! But, I'm not sure if they do delivery to Malaysia. haha and with what's going on between Malaysia and Indonesia, I wonder if they want to do delivery to Malaysia. LOL
Ahhh...I wonder if I get to live my childhood again. I sure hope I can. Hehehe..omg I'm excited. Need to get myself a job. Arghh, why my graduation is in November!!
Who can forget this? Racing, assembling parts, trading parts with friends...ah. How i wish i can go back to the past and play with these things again.
Once i was reminiscing about this, i even tried to find the cartoon series in youtube. There's one channel, but it's not in english or malay. hahaha.
Enjin depan, enjin belakang, tayar duri, bumper aloi, enjin itam.. omg i feel like crying. xD
The super challenging+damn huge track is there wait for u..and its free