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My 2 Cents: The Lost Art of Giving A Shit *UPDATE*

Okay. Where was I. Sorry I was rushing nak publish I don't even know why I didn't just save this as draft. I was at a company's event when I started writing about this. Anyway, anyway, now I'm just chilling at KFC because they got wifi yeah, and also to check out any potential nurses to be my personal one no I'm just kidding I won't do that I mean I shadap Danial.

Okay. It's actually harder than it seems updating your blog using iPad because I am so used to the keyboard. Anyway here goes.

Original article can be found here

After posting this up few days ago, I had the chance to do more thinking, on the article, Aziz's show, my personal experience, friends' as well. I now share the same sentiment as Aziz. Why are we giving less shit now? Perhaps, most likely because we are so connected that we have become the least isolated generations.

It's the digital age now, zaman IT,teknologi maklumat and whatnot. We got internet, then Wifi everywhere, smartphones, tablets, Apple products-ipad, iphone, ipod, and from there on there's Facebook, twitter, instagram, tumbler, path, and many more trendy apps that let us stay connected with people who are physically not even in the same zipcode that we are in. Oh yeah, Skype jangan lupa. All these stuffs are good, I believe so. But I notice that slowly and slowly our behaviours are changing.

Just like Aziz Ansari accurately pointed out in his show. We are so connected, that we can halo our friends who are miles away. Our family,friends are just a dial away. Boleh set up lepak, ngeteh kat mamak later on.

"Wei bro, jom lepak malam ni dalam kol 9 lebih, 10 camtu."
"Okay der.. sure."

Then so, happen ko dengan kawan ko sorang ni je yang datang. Yang lain hampeh. Some have genuine reasons, some memang malas.

Same thing with dating aa. Ko ajak keluar coffee ke (fuhh...urban pulak rasa guna ayat "keluar coffee") then awek tu all set. Atau awek tu ajak ko, mana-mana lah. Then so happen sekali lagi,
"Aww...I'm too tired after a hard day at work. Take a raincheck, yea?"

Sampai kiamat kau take raincheck tu...dah jadi duit pokok pisang pon...

Looking back in the 90s and early 2000s, the most advance texting messaging channel available those days cumalah mIRC. Kahkahkahkah!

"ASL PLZ" tu mukadimah wajib. RT kalau anda pernah buat macam ni- oh sorry aku bukan kat twitter..
Fuhhh...memori seh. Dulu aku guna nama de_koop. Famous la jugak kahkahkahkah! mIRC famous!

Dek revelation dibawa Aziz Ansari dan artikel Thought Catalog tu, pagi semalam pukul 9, aku mulakan "OPS Offline". Aku cuma offline guna social media seperti Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram je. Paling advance aku cuma guna WhatsApp. hehehe

(BTW have you guys noticed all of a sudden I'm using a lot of Bahasa now in this post? Because I am now reading Malay books pulak dah! Sebab kalau tak habiskan esok, denda aku berpuluh ringgit nak bayar kepada Library!!)

Jadinya, aku pon memang menyarankan anak-anak muda, atau ibubapa yang sama naik gilanya dengan social media, CoC, DoTA, dan lain-lain untuk cuba benda ni. Apa yang aku buat. Aku langsung tak check tweet orang, facebook, insta. Kiranya memang tak buka langsung all those apps.

Dan bagi aku ini exercise yang bagus untuk adik-adik yang baru patah hati, kena friendzoned ke, untuk melupakan barang yang lama. Kata orang putih, "Out of sight, out of mind", orang Melayu cakap, "Barang yang lama usah dipandang". Orang-orang Asli pon ada amalkan benda ni dulu-dulu. Di kala ada kematian orang yang mereka sayang, mereka akan berpindah ke tempat baru supaya tak lama sangat bersedih dan dapatlah mereka meneruskan hidup. Nama lebih glamour di kalangan anak-anak sekarang ialah "MOVE ON".

Mai cakap pasal ni jap. Zaman sebelum ada social media ni, kalau patah hati, agak senang untuk move on tapi pedih sakit patah hati tu sama je. Dulu, kau takkan senang-senang lalu depan kelas budak tu, atau pergi rumah dia nak main basikal, atau kalau orang dewasa, habis camtu je lah. Tak lepak dah dengan same circle of friends. Kiranya kalau kau buat semua tu memang kau sendiri cari pasal tak nak move on dan cari sakit. Pada masa tu, you move on with time. Senang cerita.

Sekarang, kau ada twitter, facebook, instagram dll. Kau patah hati. Nak move on. Tapi setiap 2 minit kau refresh, mana tahu si dia ada tweet pasal kau, post gambar kau, atau kau memang nak tahu apa dia buat. Lepas tu, kalau si dia ada blog, kau terjah blog dia jadi silent reader.

"Nampak bahagia je dia ni..."

"Kan best kalau aku di samping mu...T____T"

Lepas tu nangis sampai bengkak mata. Lepas esok pagi bangun, kau pon cakap,

"Ah, mampus semua, aku pon boleh happy, live happily ever after!" 3 jam pastu kau buat rutin yang sama. Kahkahkahkahkahkah!! Macam mana nak move on?
"I like you~wa~WA~wa~" YouTube

It's the most brutal thing to do to yourself. You should not do it because you're in the most vulnerable position
 -Aziz Ansari, Live in Madison Square Garden-

Disebabkan selalu, all the time, around the clock, kau connected to the internet, to the world without boundary, kau didedahkan dengan cerita-cerita best pasal kerja ni, tinggal di negara tu, study oversea, relationship goals, all the stuffs that make you feel like you deserve the best. And trust me when I say we all do. We deserve the best. Tapi adakah sampai tahap yang kau tak berani nak commit to anything? Anything at all?

Commit to making plans untuk lepak ngan member-member kat mamak sebab takut nanti ada member lain halo kau pasal free ticket tengok JDT main bola (JDT pasai ceq la tinggal kat Johor hehehe).

Commit to making plans nak main futsal malam kang sebab takut nanti crush kau text ajak keluar coffee? (LOL)

Nak buat reunion pon kau tak boleh nak commit dengan alasan, "Busy sikit bros, bulan ni aku punya quarter closing. Insya Allah boleh pergi kot." padahal kau takde apa-apa plan pon. Macam aku, tengah duk update blog dengan gigih pakai ipad. Fuhh!

Nak jumpa pakcik makcik kau yang tak jauh mana pun susah. Ke aku je?

Jadi, aku tertanya-tanya juga, selalunya. Adakah aku ni memang orang yang teruk? Tak peduli pasal orang lain. Hanya aku je? Am I really that shitty of a person? I can't say for sure. Maybe time will tell.

But one thing for sure, we all should be giving more shits now (and I don't mean that literally) Start caring for things you really care about, passionately. You miss your parents and it's been ages since balik kampung? Balik je, kau tunggu apa. Persetankan sekejap crush kau.

You have been aiming for that job promotion tapi senior-senior ada dan nanti diorang kata kau kiasu, kiasi pulak....Persetankan sahaja kata-kata belakang mereka yang tak menyumbang apa-apa value kepada hidup kau. Selagi kau buat a good day of honest work, selagi tu kau jangan berlangkah sumbang.

You want to lose weight but your family is not that supportive saying you are still pretty what, and other more lines to hamper you down? Nak kata persetankan agak kurang ajar so, let's just do it and be persistent. Mula-mula kau nak buat perubahan memang susah. Orang lain cuma tahu tengok hasil, result. Kau jaga pemakanan kau gila-gila, sentiasa bergerak aktif bagai tapi macam masih sama je? Jangan, jangan putus asa. Kau cari fitbuddy. Pergi buat aktiviti bersama-sama. Haa, ada social media? Follow Kevin Zahri, memang sentiasa kau akan positif dan terus ke hadapan.

Apa lagi yang kau suka? Yang kau peduli? Yang kau cakna? Buat semua tu. Start living life passionately. With emotions. Don't let fear paralyse you! Start giving a shit. Just do it, guys and gals!

Give a shitttttttt!!!!

.....and I haven't done that since 2009. Hahaha boleh buat cerita ke-5, "It's Fun and All That" ni...

I gave a lot of shit back then. I never regret it. =)


plain83 berkata…
Well, in my case, I don't give a shit/damn/f*** about mainstream social media, and I intend to continue doing that until who knows when ;3

That's good, don't be like us who are already in the herd that we are living in social media instead of living our lives =(

Sugoii na Plain-sensei!
cEro berkata…
Mungkin aku juga patut buat macam tu; tinggal 'dunia tanpa sempadan' ni utk seketika.
Sebab rasanya aku dah gave too much sh*t about many things, and I started to regret them.
Ah...there's that too, giving too much shit, about what others may think. you should only give shit about yourself. and the things you care about. start giving a shit! XD
Unknown berkata…
Perkenalkan, saya dari tim kumpulbagi. Saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi files menggunakan hosting yang baru?
Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website ini untuk info selengkapnya.

Di sana anda bisa dengan bebas share dan mendowload foto-foto keluarga dan trip, music, video dll dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)

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