Imagine playing basketball with your dogs or cats. Cool huh? =P Now, this, is like 100x cooler than that! Surfing with the dolphins! You lucky humans... Source: Distractify Albeit all the fun I can't help but to replay this video I watched couple weeks ago in my head - a pod of killer whales aka Orca chasing after a boat. Now, that, is something I will, with all my heart, and ability, money whatever precious things I have at that moment, give up so that I don't get to experience that. Being chased by the killer whales. Sharks don't even chase boats and these whales, killer whales, they frigging chased the boat. And they can, literally fly....for few seconds in the air. =P You came to the wrong neighbourhood, esΓ© Killer whales are like the whales version of psychopath killers. Well, I might be exaggerating but that is just how I feel man. Seeing them toying with helpless seals . The creepy thing is I can sense their joy and happiness. It's like when you...
"Ancora imparo." Hidup penuh pembelajaran dan pengajaran bagi yang mahu belajar.