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Tunjukkan catatan dari Mei, 2014

Humans Are Still The Most Vicious. Yep, and The Kindest Too

Imagine playing basketball with your dogs or cats. Cool huh?  =P Now, this, is like 100x cooler than that! Surfing with the dolphins! You lucky humans... Source: Distractify Albeit all the fun I can't help but to replay this video I watched couple weeks ago in my head - a pod of killer whales aka Orca chasing after a boat. Now, that, is something I will, with all my heart, and ability, money whatever precious things I have at that moment, give up so that I don't get to experience that. Being chased by the killer whales. Sharks don't even chase boats and these whales, killer whales, they frigging chased the boat. And they can, literally fly....for few seconds in the air. =P You came to the wrong neighbourhood,  esΓ© Killer whales are like the whales version of psychopath killers. Well, I might be exaggerating but that is just how I feel man. Seeing them toying with helpless seals . The creepy thing is I can sense their joy and happiness. It's like when you...

Attempt 1 - Failed

Tried to attempt something like this earlier today. Fail at heartbeat. Reverted to my normal style - flat. LOL   I was at the karaoke with the usual company when I go karaoke. Yeaaah, so I couldn't pull it off like The One, big deal. I just enjoyed myself and didn't give a hoot about it =P Anyway, as I get older and wiser (hopefully) I feel and think that there are not really that many songs I can sing. I don't listen to or any mainstream radio station to know the latest music trend so I end up singing almost the same songs every time. It's like I have my own 'karaoke playlist' which perhaps could be a close relative to my "Thumbed Ups" playlist on my phone, because I sing mostly songs in that playlist. If only most karaoke places got  karaoke for oldies man. I really wanna sing Air Supply, Alphaville, Bryan Adams, Lionel Ritchie, Billy Joel's "Honesty" and some other 70s, 80s, 90s songs. Mmm, I guess listening to

Rawak Bukan Lawak

My morning usually starts with a sudden urge to go to the toilet and sometimes accompanied by the aching muscles thanks to the workout session from the day before. The pattern is normally like this. Many times I would be wondering while I am doing my business that if I were a VIP I would be an easy target because my routine is pretty much the same. But the imaginary Danial, perhaps had seen that coming. He would have anticipated the assassin lurking in the room next to the bathroom waiting for the opportunity to jump on him. Or maybe the stealth assassin had the imaginary Danial's drinking bottle spiked with arsenic, or mercury. Still being groggy after waking up the imaginary Danial might not be 100% aware of the physical change of the water content in the bottle. Or perhaps while making the wudu' the assassin sneaked from behind and strangled imaginary Danial to death. Afterwards, the assassin placed the imaginary Danial on the floor trying to make it look like he fell to h...

Appresiasi Yang Tak Pernah Basi

Hari ini Hari Guru. Tadi aku terbilang "Hari Cikgu" dan bunyinya janggal sekali. Kata orang Kerteh, awkward. Pabila disebut guru-guru, cikgu-cikgu di sekolah-sekolah lama, macam-macam terlintas. Walaupun zaman sekolah rendah aku boleh tahan seronok, aku lagi suka zaman sekolah menengah daripada sekolah rendah. Tapi nak dibandingkan dengan zaman universiti, memang tak dapat la. Aku gauge  aku punya kesedapan pengalaman aku berdasarkan faktor-faktor life lessons learned, kawan-kawan dan rejection, failures. Kalau aku guna faktor populariti, tentulah zaman aku montel comel tak nampak leher lagi best. Ramai peminat kata-kata gosip murahan yang sempat aku dengar. Oh, dan kalau siapa-siapa percaya dua ayat terakhir tadi sila ketawakan diri sendiri sebab anda amat naive dan gullible. Tadi cakap pasal cikgu, ni tiba-tiba cakap pasal zaman belajar. Anyway. We'll get there, my friend. Kalau sebut zaman sekolah, aku ni biasa-biasa orangnya. Did not stand out much if not for my...

High Like A Flying Kite

"How can you be such an hypocrite? Like if lin dan was the honest player in the world. Hey carlos, are you high? Like a flying high kite? On a flying drug? I don't get what you're trying to say, you significantly-less-intelligent person! If you wanna comment, make sure I can see your comment and reply to it, okay.

Teachers are Hebak

Heyyooo~ long time no blogging. As cliche as it sounds, yeah was tied up with lotsa stuff. In case I must tell you and you must know, my bro Adib got married to his high school sweetheart in March and now that we are done with the reception on our side as well which was held end of April, all of us finally got the time to take a breather. Yeah, that would be nice. Blogging. Been itching to blog because everyday I go on the net, surfing, reading and joining the forums, I always got this amazing ideas to blog about. So, I got all hyped up, go to blogger, logged in, all set...and I just stared right at the screen. But if has finally come to an end tonight. Yep, tonight gotta start blogging again because I sure know someone misses it LOL Things are pretty good on my side. Just so you know, I am probably gonna start experiencing some good changes in my life (of course there will be some bad consequences but the changes about to happen are worth it) . You know how there's a saying th...