Langkau ke kandungan utama

Being Understanding..I guess?

Mode: Melayan perasaan. (Jangaaaaan!!!)

Just saw the ex's tweets. Yeah, we are still following each other on Twitter, and friends on Facebook. I really think that is not a wise thing to do but sometimes I just wanna know how she's doing LOL snooping around like a creep (OMG I just confessed to being a freak) Why do I think it's not wise, is because for sometimes she would post something about her parents pushing her to find a bf, someone new. Just now, I just got to see the tweets where her parents wanna teach her how to pikat lelaki XD. All jokes aside, terasa sungguh hati. Hahahaha, it's understandable that I am feeling this way after 1 or 2 months breaking up but it's been 7 months already. The fact that she can just tweet about it macam tu je makes me feel so insignificant gitu. Tapi itu cuma perasaan aku je. I just got back from futsal and feeling tired, all beat so maybe that's why I feel like this. Maybe, probably, kot. Hahahaha...

Danial, be strong. Get busy, bro. Get busy. Live a proper life man. A life dedicated for the Creator. In sha Allah you will find peace..

Besides, I have to understand, she's a girl, a lady. Ikut stail orang2 Melayu, tak manis perempuan kahwin lambat. I pray she finds her jodoh, soul mate soon.

As for me, I will be alright tomorrow morning, waking up for Fajr, and end up feeling all stupid for posting this. Hahahahaha.

Danial, I hope you will have a good laugh reading this in the future! XP


sakuraspicelife berkata…
brsabar la. i pun stalk my ex gak kt its normal thing.segala yg berlaku ader hikmahnya.InsyaAllah.
haha thanks for the concern but this is just what i'd like to call a late night rant. terima kasih bagi komen =)
sakuraspicelife berkata…
mlm jiwangs karat namernyer.kelasss uolsss wuakaka..gurau2 jer:p.feel bored ,so sajer baca and komen2.welcome:)
Lee berkata…
Hi Danial, I can see you still have feelings for her.
Anyway, I do not know the story behind your breakup....none of my business anyway...
But take t from me...this way you lagi sakit hati in case she mentions her present love life, with someone else.

Danial, build a bridge and cross over...don't look back, but smile as it was once yours.
I assure you, when one door closes, another opens, but sometimes thru our own heart aches, old feelings we miss seeing that open door.

One day a girl will come into our life...and she'll make you smile....again.
So, have fun, bachelor boy....there's lots of lovely young ladies who'll sell their neneks to know a wonderful guy like you.
Uncle Lee!! thanks for the advice and concern. Dont worry just one of those nights when I couldnt sleep so ended up having wild imaginations. LOL
I will live life wonderfully, no doubt about that. =)
Thanks again Uncle Lee!

JaJa'Z berkata…
akak pun setuju dengan apa yang uncle lee komen tu..kalau Dan dok stalk jer ur ex tu..tak ke mana jugak la..sedangkan dia dah move on dah..akak rasa ni first time akak jumpa lelaki yang betul2 effected lepas clash.. :p

move man..moveee :)
[z@ck] berkata…
pergh.if i were you, i rather not stalking her on fb or twitter.unless if i already have met the new one.tak la sakit hati sgt bila all her status.hehehe.just my 2 cents.
Chill people! Hahahaha, it's just a late night rant. Should be no biggie. Hahahahaha XP
Thanks for commenting though. I'll take note nanti. Untuk future reference. =)
plain83 berkata…
yeah i bet you'll laugh out loud reading this entry again when you're 30 or so... life is indeed mysterious...
i just laughed reading it earlier. LOL

jinsei wa omoishiro yo...
plain83 berkata…
tashika ni ne, jinsei wa fushigi mono desu, sore wa omoushiroi ^^
oh..baru perasan tersilap di situ. lah bahana lama tak tengok jdrama,anime dan cakap jepun hahaha

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