Langkau ke kandungan utama


Greetings, earthlings! I have decided to start blogging. One should never underestimate the power of decision (tiba-tiba). So, for this comeback I am making, I think I should blog in Bahasa and English. And any other languages I know jks =P Before I was kinda strict on this, can only blog in either English or Bahasa but just nak tukar selera. Yesss! That was the first!

Anyway, many things happened the past few months since my last post here. To start off,

1. I am no longer planning to get married because I got no calon. Wakakaka, no I am not laughing just tiru my housemate punya stail gelak.
2. I am now a full time Prudential financial planner. It's been 2 months already.

Yeah, I guess these two news are pretty much DA BOMB punya news la. I think. Oh, and I am getting bigger LOL but that won't be for long. ;)

Man, it sure feels great to be blogging now that I have started. Hopefully I get to blog more in the future. But I know it's gonna be a bit tough because now I have things I want to accomplish by the end of this year. I really want this badly, so bad that I am finally getting over the fact that the last few months were like the toughest moments I have ever been through in my life LOL now that I think about it I guess I was being way too drama king. =P

Off I go, I wanna go to bed now. Work tomorrow~~~~ woooooo

Salam and good night y'all!


Unknown berkata…
yezzzaaaa.. you're back! share the blogging spirit mate! aku pon dah tenggelam timbul dengan blog-world ni..
anyhow, fighting!
JaJa'Z berkata…
welcomeeee welcomee..... no calon? mcm pelik je keee???
terima kasih kalian kerana meninggalkan komen2 anda. hehehe.

Past is past. Let's move forward everyone! =)

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