Few days ago, went to Kemaman to get new baju melayu for Hari Raya. hahaha..when it comes to this, I will just accept any baju as long as wearing it doesn't make me the centre of attention on that day.
So, what do I have in my collection so far? =P

Macam pengantin gitu. =P
I don't remember this one. Hmmm
My first Raya Aidilfitri away from home, 2007. In Melbourne with my friends from Melbourne Uni. How are you guys?
Ore to ore no imoto, Pam. But this purple baju melayu is not mine. My man Azman lent it to me. Thanks heaps man. =)
But I guess I kinda like the pengantin one, though it did make me a bit 'famous' due to its glittering when exposed to light. I guess, I was once an Edward Cullen wahahahah! Ok, that's not funny. My bad.
*ehem* ehem*
So, this time around went to Kemaman, to this one shop at the basement level of Kemaman Centre Point. My mom has been to this shop for a long time and always gets discount. hehehe. I think the shop got a lot of choices too, and they are all of good quality. But, like I said, I don't really know what's a good kain, baju melayu, baju kurung. Heh.
No, the shop we went to is not that Zamirah in the picture. I forgot the name already..
Try to imagine how white chicks wearing tudung look like..
The baju melayu in the plastic bags
He's bored..
I don't know if these are nice to you girls, but I think those are not too bad. Decent. =P
That shop got a lot of choices. Almost half of the basement level is occupied by the stuff from the shop.
How many did I buy? Tak banyak Cik Jah, 1 pasang aje. I understand girls need more than one, at least 2! Hahaha, I'm not gonna ask why. =P
It's still Ramadhan, so I don't think it's appropriate for me to wish Selamat Hari Raya yet. =P hehehehe
Hope you readers have a good Sunday. =)
p/s: Did you know the Malays in Singapore, they call baju melayu baju kurung? To Malaysians, baju melayu refers to the Malay traditional clothes that the guys wear, and baju kurung refers to the ones that girls wear. But in Singapore, they just use baju kurung for both males and females. Hehehehe..
tempat2 wajib pergi kat melbourne tu, tempat2 shopping seperti DFO (LOL),victoria market yang memang best kalau nak beli barang2 souvenir. kalau ada rezeki pergi la jalan2 luar melbourne seperti ke ballarat, great ocean road, lakes entrance, tengok penguins di phillip island. phillip island plak, ade macam2 benda best boleh dibuat di situ. ish..panjang bebenor komen aku.. =P
oh satu lagi, malaysian hall dengan crown casino tak berapa jauh,bukan nak suruh judi. tapi tunggu kat luar tu, pukul 11pm atau 12am akan ada pertunjukan api. setiap 1 jam. haa..ape lagi. victoria market agak jauh dari malaysian hall. dekat2 bandar jugak market tu.
I'm okay with only 1 pair of baju kurung but usually I have 2. Since I have two kampungs, and also we go around and visit our family and friends in both kampungs. So, 1 for the 1st raya and another for the 3rd raya. anyway, surely you buy other new casual clothes a part from the 1 baju melayu for raya right? hehe. I know my brother and dad do.
ooo.korang selalu gerak dari satu tempat ke satu tempat naik apa? tram? bas? mana yg murah..haa..(da macam reporter plak)
dlm gamba tuh ko la paling menyerlah skali..ha ha ah~
tahun ni kaler ape plak...??
bese la pompuan baju kurung lebih satu...korg raya kedua da leh pakai tshirt jeans sume...xkn ktorg nk beraya pkai jeans kot...
takde kawan study kat melbourne?
tahun ni kaler rahsia =P hahhaha warna hijau je. tak reti nak describe kaler2 ni. haha pompuan tak boleh pakai baju tahun lepas ke untuk hari kedua? =P
but dono where it is right now..MIA..hmm