Okay, if you guys go to Nuffnang you will see a new contest to get to The Hangover 2 premiere at Sunway Pyramid. You need to leave a comment, on your wildest adventure. My comment I think was the least attractive one. What the heck, kalau menang, menanglah, tak menang takpe lah~
Nevertheless, today has been a very adventurous day for me. To start it off, I joined the 2nd gotong royong perdana. This time we wear red shirts. I wonder if this means most of the residents here are against Bersih 2.0 LOL Anyway the gotong royong this time was organised to prepare our area for the coming Pertanding Kejiranan Terbaik MPKj. I heard the winning prize is RM15,000 cash! Imagine what can we all do with that kind of money? Jangan terlepas kat puak2 tertentu sudah =P hehehe
Started a bit late since the nasi lemak not here yet =P |
And as usual we did take a group photo but I never got to see any of them, even the one from the CNY open house. =S
Nasi lemak for breakfast. Brader kat bawah ni yang buat. Dia meniaga nasi lemak. Boleh tahan sedap nasi dia... |
My task for today was to join Cik Mail and Hamdan to clear out the big drain since there were lots of rubbish, piles of stones in it blocking the water flow. One hell of a task. With the smell and all. Cik Mail went all out going into the terowong LOL to get the stuffs out.
Would be nice if the bushes behind my workplace is cleared then I can make a trail up. Shortcut seh =P |
Spotted a siput babi. Snail la. Bukan pigshell LOL |
The drain behind the factories are all beyond salvation. This needs the work of town council! |
And while we were doing our work, YB Teoh came. That was the second time I saw her lol we all took a group photo with her and after a while she left. Hmm, bersangka baik je lah aku.
Budak2 memang excited nak tolong. Hopefully they can keep it that way until they are all grown ups =) |
This drain is the main highlight of the day. |
I have always seen this kind of longkang before but never had I thought that I would be given the chance to clean it up! It was an honor really. Imagine, bottles, sandals, plastic bags, old knife (could it be a murder weapon?) anything you couldn't possibly think of were there. We managed to make the water flow back again. Hoorahhh! Alhamdulillah~
Dah penat-penat macam tu, takdenya aku nak masak. So, I went out to Mamak's and got my car washed also. It's been 2 weeks already. And the car wash owner tu kept bugging me to get my car waxed.
I thought by the time I finished my lunch it would all be done. *TEEETTTT* WRONG! I ate too fast I guess. =P
One of the workers waxing the Toyota Ponte. The owner was sitting next to me waiting also. |
Car all good and shiny~ woots! And the guy kept saying "kalau wax much better woo" hahaha later then better ok? *merepek apa kau Danial*
I had long dreamt of going on a spontaneous trip alone and I did it after the car wash just now. Thanks to Tru for the suggestion on taking a drive on MEX highway, I found myself driving towards...Dengkil??
MEX Highway. *jangan tiru aksi tangkap gambar sambil memandu* |
But ended up at Paya Indah Wetlands. Was wondering how it looks like so I exited the highway and decided to have a look. A 9km journey from the highway exit to Paya Indah Wetlands, quite straight forward, no need GPS. Along the way, I saw many stalls selling durians, at a very cheap price too! Selonggok RM10 and the selonggok is not selonggok with small durians, but quite big ones! Regret not buying it! *sayang kereta bau durian chiittppoodddah*
Almost there.. |
Apa kes?? |
The entrance gate. Didn't expect this. |
But I didn't stay for too long. I was hoping that it would be a bit cool there =s Well, it was an adventurous one. My life is kinda boring. I need to get something off my chest *tiba-tiba nyanyi lagu One Republic's Secret*
How was your weekend?