Langkau ke kandungan utama

World Number One Is Still A Human

So I was watching the news on different channels. Yeah, I'd love to do that I just discovered that. Anyway, Buletin Utama's sports cast showed from the feedbacks they received on TV3's fb page, more than 90% are still rooting, supporting, and behind Datuk Lee Chong Wei.

Then my housemate said he read a blog about Lee Chong Wei crying in the changing room after the match. That explained why he didn't meet the press last night. So, I thought of looking for the site, blog on that. Is it true? He cried before when he lost the World Game in KL. He was eliminated by Sony..I think?  =P


Chong Wei menangis?

KEKALAHAN Datuk Lee Chong Wei kepada musuh tradisinya, Lin Dan pada perlawanan akhir perseorangan lelaki kelmarin menjadi bualan hangat di Guangzhou, terutama selepas pemain itu tidak muncul pada sidang akhbar sejurus tamat permainan.
Ramai media dari Malaysia yang terpaksa β€˜menggeledah’ seluruh stadium untuk mencari jaguh No. 1 dunia itu, termasuk penulis sendiri yang menyelusup masuk secara haram ke kawasan larangan media demi untuk mendapatkan respon Chong Wei mengenai kekalahannya.
Bagaimanapun kerana desakan mengejar dateline, penulis menamatkan pencarian lebih awal dan gagal mendapatkan pemain itu. Hanya keesokan harinya, baru penulis dapat menghubungi Chong Wei, yang menjelaskan dia tidak berniat melarikan diri tetapi berlaku masalah komunikasi dengan sukarelawan bertugas yang memberitahunya bahawa sidang akhbar itu hanya untuk pemain China, Lin Dan dan Chen Jin.
Namun, versi cerita yang penulis dengar daripada sukarelawan di tempat kejadian pula berbeza. Mereka melihat Chong Wei menangis ketika memasuki bilik persalinan. Pemain itu terlalu kecewa hingga tidak mampu bertemu media. Chong Wei hanya sempat melayani beberapa wartawan televisyen yang menantinya di luar gelanggang, itupun dalam keadaan yang cukup tertekan.
Kata seorang kawan, sebagai pemain No. 1 dunia, tidak mudah buat Chong Wei untuk menerima kekalahannya yang agak mudah di set ketiga 10-21. Lagipun, dia beraksi dengan harapan besar untuk memenangi emas. Kepada Chong Wei, Sukan Asia bukanlah penamat segala-galanya, semoga dia akan beroleh kejayaan di Sukan Olimpik London 2012.

I found this, on Utusan Online. That should be reliable, I hope?

To those who think that our athletes lost because they just didn't try hard enough, didn't give all, scared they would injure their pretty bodies, I hope this will set you straight. It is unfair to say that when you don't know how it's like, competing in such a big event.

I am fed up with people who keep on being skeptic whenever Malaysia got into Thomas Cup final against China or Indonesia. When Malaysia play football against big team like Japan or South Korea. When Malaysia  face Thailand to decide who's the takraw king. And if Malaysia can qualify to World Cup or not.

I can hear some of the blog's reader saying "Fat hope~" Yeah, World Cup is a bit far fetched but don't give up. The football team did really well in Asian Game. Still, some people would rather be all negative because they don't want to be hopeful, fearing if the Malaysia team were to lose terribly in SEA Games, or Asian Cup for example, they would end up broken heart. But hey, if you show your supports perhaps those involved with the sport would be more determined, or SEMANGAT to improve our standards. We can do this you know.

Malaysia Boleh!

oh, and let's support our Malaysia men's hockey team this Thursday, facing the Pakistanis in the final. 




shazika berkata…
sedey wey chong wei kalah T__T"
sedih.memang sedih. sedih lagi si chong wei. =/

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