Serious? Seriously, like totally! Ahaks! =P Okay, okay, I know hundreds of people have already done that, been there. But for me, it's my first time huahauhaua!!
I came across this blog just few minutes ago because I was taking a break from studying. I thought of going for a walk..blogwalking =P. Anyway, this blog owner found out one of his posts is in Google's top list.
I came across this blog just few minutes ago because I was taking a break from studying. I thought of going for a walk..blogwalking =P. Anyway, this blog owner found out one of his posts is in Google's top list.
So I was like, hmm shall I give it a try then. Who knows, one of my posts also made it in Google's top list. I keyed in words that are related to my posts that got comments and I reckon are popular LOL. I tried "durian, woolworths" - negative, "horatio puns" - negative and my third try, "basketball kemaman", and here it is people -
2 hari lepas somebody weird googled "i wan stop" and landed at my blog, yg peliknya description search result tu refer to your blog. Hehe.
Rajin2 tgk your feedjit live traffic, situ leh dpt tgk keywords2 org guna sampai kat blog ni
arigato gozaimasu Tupai Karan! XD