After I got back from badminton, Adik messaged me on Skype, asking on behalf of my mom (LOL) why I haven't called home. I remember the last time I called her was 2 weeks ago, after I handed in my visa application.
So I checked my Skype credit, and called. I can't use my handphone really, as I left my phone charger at Amir's place. =_="
And I talked to Abah. Mak wasn't available that time maybe next time I got to talk to her. Anyway, Mak was just concerned whether I go to class or have I been studying well or not. I must say, I study almost everyday, but what I do is just reading, so not really intense studying. And I told my dad not to worry, and I still got my allowance and all. We talked about my brothers, and sister. How they've been doing, and of course a bit of gossip. Guys got their own kind of gossips just so you know. =P
I kinda miss being home. I have always looked forward to another trip with all of us during a break. Last year was the best. My whole family came to Australia and we got to do a lot of stuffs, meeting the malay families here in Gippsland, Phillip Island, Great Ocean Road, a bit of Ballarat, and Melbourne. It was fun really.

In front of Melbourne Zoo. I don't remember this picture being taken. I guess we must have asked some random stranger to help us take the picture.

All tired. It was in summer alright.

After window-shopping at D.F.O South Wharf. Mak got herself new additions to her English style deco.

In front of the Moto Grand Prix in Phillip Island.

We took the ferry from Sorrento to Queenscliff heading to Great Ocean Road. The ferry wasn't part of the plan. But was a great experience.

Abah and his friendly nature. He could start a conversation with a total stranger anywhere he goes. This was at San Remo. Turned out the guy he talked to used to work in Malaysia for quite some time.
One thing pissed me off during my family's visit to Australia, is the rude taxi driver and the receptionist at Hertz. Man, I was pissed the lady at Hertz started to talk normally. But the taxi driver was frigging rude. I didn't get to say anything back to him as he left us. It was just a misunderstanding, we didn't stop for his van, but he stopped anyway. And my dad thought he was the one he called to pick us up to the airport. My dad asked if he is the driver he called, and that guy suddenly said, "If you want to be late for your flight just stay here". I tell you, I felt like shouting at him but he got into his van and left. Yeah, you better go now before I kick your butt!
No use in getting all worked up about what happened in the past.
But yeah, I'm grateful and thankful to God for blessing me with a family and a home I can always go back to.
So I checked my Skype credit, and called. I can't use my handphone really, as I left my phone charger at Amir's place. =_="
And I talked to Abah. Mak wasn't available that time maybe next time I got to talk to her. Anyway, Mak was just concerned whether I go to class or have I been studying well or not. I must say, I study almost everyday, but what I do is just reading, so not really intense studying. And I told my dad not to worry, and I still got my allowance and all. We talked about my brothers, and sister. How they've been doing, and of course a bit of gossip. Guys got their own kind of gossips just so you know. =P
I kinda miss being home. I have always looked forward to another trip with all of us during a break. Last year was the best. My whole family came to Australia and we got to do a lot of stuffs, meeting the malay families here in Gippsland, Phillip Island, Great Ocean Road, a bit of Ballarat, and Melbourne. It was fun really.

In front of Melbourne Zoo. I don't remember this picture being taken. I guess we must have asked some random stranger to help us take the picture.

All tired. It was in summer alright.

After window-shopping at D.F.O South Wharf. Mak got herself new additions to her English style deco.

In front of the Moto Grand Prix in Phillip Island.

We took the ferry from Sorrento to Queenscliff heading to Great Ocean Road. The ferry wasn't part of the plan. But was a great experience.

Abah and his friendly nature. He could start a conversation with a total stranger anywhere he goes. This was at San Remo. Turned out the guy he talked to used to work in Malaysia for quite some time.
One thing pissed me off during my family's visit to Australia, is the rude taxi driver and the receptionist at Hertz. Man, I was pissed the lady at Hertz started to talk normally. But the taxi driver was frigging rude. I didn't get to say anything back to him as he left us. It was just a misunderstanding, we didn't stop for his van, but he stopped anyway. And my dad thought he was the one he called to pick us up to the airport. My dad asked if he is the driver he called, and that guy suddenly said, "If you want to be late for your flight just stay here". I tell you, I felt like shouting at him but he got into his van and left. Yeah, you better go now before I kick your butt!
No use in getting all worked up about what happened in the past.
But yeah, I'm grateful and thankful to God for blessing me with a family and a home I can always go back to.