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Tunjukkan catatan dari Ogos, 2014

Lucy Experience

Lucy. They used Scarlett Johansson well to attract the audience but I am not sure if anyone can really appreciate the movie for its content (albeit ridiculous most of the times but plausible...) and not for Scarlett and Morgan Freeman. ................................... I have always thought that when you see things differently now, than you did some time ago, be it few days, weeks, months, or years ago, that you have gained a newfound wisdom. I am talking about wisdom but in Lucy it is all about brain capacity, the cerebral capacity to be exact. But in Lucy, as she is depicted to have access to more than 10% capacity, Lucy seems to be nonchalant about trivial things. Things like, auditioning, having pointless fun, and pleasure.She seeks for more, to explore more of the unknown. It's like a thirst that can never be quenched, instead make you feel thirstier. That, I see as wisdom as well. Even though some people may argue that having more wisdom makes someone more modest or ev...

Kata sahabat, aku sedang berdepan dengan Guru Pertanyaan. Sudah suratan.

celaru rasa. walau aku sedar semua ni dah diaturkan oleh Tuhan, aku tetap rasa celaru, kasihan. Salah ke rasa macam ni? celaru aku, ikut bahasa Inggeris aku, mixed emotions. Aku tak rasa keyakinan aku goyah. Apa yang buat aku rasa begini mungkin kerana aku ada banyak persoalan tak terjawab..atau pon dijawab. rasa macam masa aku kecil, comel bulat dulu-dulu. curiosity aku yang diterjemahkan ke dalam soalan-soalan yang tak pernah putus.  cerita yang geli hati dari masa lepas. aku asyik ikut Wan di kampung, bertanya  "Wan buat apa tu?"  "Kenapa Wan buat macam tu?" "Ada harimau ke kat kampung?" mengikut ceritanya dari mulut ayah aku. mustahil aku boleh ingat semua itu. apa yang berlaku tahun lepas pun samar-samar. mungkin, aku bukan celaru, sebab banyak persoalan tak terjawab. mungkin, aku berasa marah dengan diri aku yang takut. Atau aku menyesal.  Tapi sesal aku ini, (kalau betullah rasa ini rasa menyesal) setidak-tidaknya tidaklah t...